Member benefits of joining a global accounting network

We take great pride in continually enhancing the support that we offer our members. Dedicating time to truly get to know our member firms, fostering active engagement, and empowering all levels of staff in firms to gain the most from your membership.

Whether through in-person and virtual events and networking opportunities, personalised membership engagement initiatives, specialised peer groups, marketing and communications, and more. We consistently explore new and innovative ways to ensure being a member with us is a truly enriching experience.

Regular networking events
Knowledge exchange and resources
Customised firm marketing support
Global partnerships
Global specialist groups
International quality standards
International webinars
Regular news & communications

More than just membership

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There really is a whole world of opportunity to be gained from being part of a thriving global community.  Take a look at what some of our most valued volunteering members say about their contribution as they reflect on their role and the value  for them and for MGI.

Are you ready to take your firm to the next level? 

We always look firmly to the future and seeking new ideas to make sure being a member adds value and is helping our members to do more and better business. Read more about becoming a member.