Luis Uncal from MGI Jebsen & Co., explains some of the benefits of MGI Worldwide membership

Luis Uncal, from MGI Jebsen & Co. explains how MGI membership helps his business

Luis Uncal, from MGI Worldwide member firm MGI Jebsen & Co., Argentina, explains how membership to an international organisation helps his business.

‘Nowadays, for multinational clients, it is very important that their advisors, consultants and auditors belong to an international organisation. They need to know that there is a certain level of quality within this type of organisation,’ says Luis.

He goes on to emphasise the value that the MGI Worldwide brand has added to his firm, who chose to adopt the MGI prefix in their branding from the very beginning.

‘Having the MGI prefix as part of your firm name automatically prompts the question “What does MGI mean?” (…) making membership of MGI part of every initial conversation.’

Luis finishes by outlining some of the things that make MGI Worldwide special, including the building of relationships through attending international meetings and the opportunities to share knowledge and offer training to fellow members in areas of expertise. 

Watch the full member testimonial video:

Visit MGI Jebsen & Co.’s MGI Worldwide member profile page HERE 

MGI Jebsen & Co is part of MGI Latin America, a regional network of MGI Worldwide, a top 20 ranked global accounting network with some 5,000 independent auditors, accountants and tax experts in over 260 locations around the world.