17 Mar 2020

Do you have questions, or are you seeking knowledge, about Mergers and Acquisitions? If so, our M&A forum is for you!

M&A Global Forum for accounting network and association members looking to promote an M&A opportunity

Whether you are a specialist in Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) or have a client looking for help with selling their business by finding investors, our M&A Marketplace is an easy-to-use global forum where you can advertise such opportunities on their behalf.

This go-to group of M&A specialists is ideal for anyone with M&A experience and any of our members are welcome to join.

Confidentiality guaranteed

Your clients’ personal details will be guarded at all times and their confidential information respected. Finer details surrounding the business or opportunity being presented will only be available at a later date – the forum is simply there to help generate initial interest.

The M&A Marketplace is viewable publicly around the world and can promote a short description with a call-to-action to contact you for more information.

Promoting your client on a global scale

As well as putting your client’s opportunity in front of the eyes of local investors, you will be able to tell them with confidence that the global platform will reach a further 100 countries – only members of MGI Worldwide with CPAAI accounting network and association can post opportunities, making this a highly desirable marketing tactic that can help generate fantastic exposure.

How to use the M&A forum

The great thing about the M&A Marketplace is how very easy to use it is. If you have not done so already, go to: forumma.mgiworld.com and click on Create Account. We will validate that you are a member and check your details, which is typically done within around 24-hours.

Once registered, you can post as many opportunities as you wish. Posts can be added in any language and will be validated before going live, to ensure that client confidentiality remains protected.


Receive, as well as post, opportunities

Those who are registered on the forum will receive, as well as be able to post, updates of any new opportunities that are added. Whether these are for your own business interests, or to share with your clients, you can guarantee that they have come directly from other MGI Worldwide with CPAAI members and have been approved and validated before being published.

If you need any assistance with using the M&A Marketplace please contact Nicki Lynn ([email protected]).

MGI Worldwide with CPAAI is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with over 10,000 independent auditors, accountants and tax experts in some 460 locations in almost 100 countries around the world.