23 Nov 2022

Do you know about Italy's favourable tax regimes aimed at attracting foreign individuals returning nationals? Find out more

Over the years, Italy has implemented several favourable tax regimes aimed at attracting foreign individuals, or at attracting back individuals that are currently resident abroad but were previously Italian residents or citizens.


In the first of a series of newsletters, MGI Worldwide member firm MGI Studio Pragma, based in Fano and Rome, shares details of relevant tax regimes in Italy, which may be of benefit to you and your clients.

In particular, the regimes currently in place are:

• the resident not domiciled (or res non-dom) regime;

• the in-bound workers (impatriates) regime;

• the regime for foreign pensioners

• the regime which applies with respect to taxpayers with specific academic qualifications (professors or researchers).

Click here to read and download the newsletter

For any questions, please contact Francesco Bartolucci at [email protected]. Alternatively visit the firm's profile page or website.

MGI Worldwide with CPAAI, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with almost 9,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 400 locations in over 100 countries around the world.