16 Nov 2022

Meet our Newest Members!

We are pleased to introduce you the new firms that have joined us in 2022, as well as the CPAAI firms who have transitioned to the MGI Worldwide global accounting network


For those who were not able to be with us last month at the Global AGM in Vancouver, we have put together a video presenting the member firms who joined the MGI Worldwide in 2022. Some members are newly recruited, and help to further extend MGI Worldwide's reach into new territories, others are valued members who have moved from CPAAI to the network, which is equally great news!

Reach out

Take a look at the video and familiarise yourself with our new members. If any of them are in your region, or in countries where your clients do business, consider reaching out to connect and extend the MGI Worldwide welcome! Contact details can be found below.

Watch the 2022 New Members' video

New members to MGI Worldwide Network

New members from CPAAI association to MGI Worldwide Network

If your firm is a member of CPAAI and would like to make the move to the MGI Worldwide network, please contact Emma Rowley [email protected]

MGI Worldwide with CPAAI, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with almost 9,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 400 locations in over 100 countries around the world.