21 Mar 2023

MGI Worldwide retains its Top-20 position in IAB World Ranking at #17

In a great way to start the year, MGI Worldwide has been confirmed as the world’s number 17 network in the International Accounting Bulletin's global ranking of 2023, maintaining its position among the Top 20 leading international accounting networks. 

MGI Worldwide achieves Top 20 results globally across Audit, Tax and Accounting services  

Fee income from 32 Networks is included in the IAB World Survey with MGI Worldwide achieving top 20 positions globally across each core service area. 

Our total fee income of $849m breaks down as follows: 




Other service income was $179m

Strong positions across all our regions worldwide 




MGI Worldwide's Chairman, Roger Isaacs, comments:   


“This is fantastic news and underlines the strength of MGI Worldwide and its members; I look back on the journey that we have travelled since 2019 when we were ranked number 19, and we are now number 17.  Amazing progress that clearly demonstrates the value of the route that we have taken and the way that our organisation has united as one – we did this together.”

MGI Worldwide would like to thank all members, staff, and colleagues around the world for their ongoing support, hard work and commitment.

For more information on MGI Worldwide’s global ranking or enquiries to join our membership, please contact our team at [email protected] who are looking forward to hearing from you.


MGI Worldwide, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with almost 9,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 400 locations in over 100 countries around the world.