MGI Australasia holds 2023 Conference in Perth, Australia

Held earlier this year, the 2023 MGI Australasia Conference was hosted by MGI Parkinson in Perth, Western Australia. The conference was a great success with 36 delegates attending from across Australia and New Zealand.

Next Generation: Attract, Engage, Retain

The theme of the conference, 'Next Generation: Attract, Engage, Retain', focused on the challenges faced by the accounting industry in attracting and retaining top talent and how to engage with the next generation of accounting professionals.

The two-day event featured a range of expert speakers who provided insights on the latest trends and best practices in talent management. Attendees had the opportunity to network with their peers, exchange ideas and strategies and participate in interactive workshops.

The conference also showcased innovative solutions to attract, engage and retain the next generation of accounting professionals, including mentoring programs, work arrangements to maximise well-being and productivity and cutting-edge technology to support our teams.

12 picture montage - 2023 MGI Australasia regional meeting

Click to view the Flickr event photo gallery

Overall, the conference was a valuable experience for all attendees, helping them to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and prepare for the future of the accounting industry.

8 picture montage - 2023 MGI Australasia regional meeting

Positive feedback

Ian Bond from MGI Worlwide accounting netowork member fim MGI Parkinson
Ian Bond
Director MGI Parkinson



Lorin Joyce - Director at MGI Worlwide accounting netowork member fim MGI Parkinson
Lorin Joyce
MGI Joyce|Dickson
Managing Partner and
MGI Australasia Chairman

"It was our pleasure to host the 2023 MGI Australasia Conference in Perth recently. The event provided a comprehensive overview of the challenges faced by the accounting industry in attracting and retaining top talent and offered practical solutions to address these challenges. The speakers were knowledgeable and engaging, and the workshops were interactive and thought-provoking. We really appreciated the participation and engagement from our delegates and our sponsors alike. Overall, the conference was an excellent opportunity to learn from industry experts and to exchange ideas with other directors across the MGI Australasia network."


"I thoroughly enjoyed attending the 2023 MGI Australasia Conference. It was fantastic to be back in a room together as a region after a few difficult years being separated throughout COVID. It was a great opportunity to learn from industry experts as well as to network with fellow partners and principals across Australia and New Zealand. The workshops were particularly helpful, sharing best practices and providing practical strategies and solutions to attract and retain the next generation of accounting professionals. I came away from the conference feeling inspired and energised with a wealth of knowledge that we can apply within our own firm, MGI Joyce Dickson. Overall, it was an excellent event. I am looking forward to our next conference in 2024."

Thank you!

MGI Australasia would like to thank our sponsors who made the event a great success. We would like to particularly thank MYOB, our Platinum sponsor. A heartfelt thanks to our other sponsors Accountancy Insurance, BGL, FYI, SmartAR, FuseWorks, Everperform and CrowdProperty for your attendance, presentations and participation.

We look forward to our next conference in 2024!


MGI Worldwide, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with almost 9,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 400 locations in over 100 countries around the world.