18 Mar 2024

MGI Worldwide proudly retains position as Top 20 Network

The IAB Global Rankings have just been released and MGI Worldwide is proud to maintain its position as a Top 20 Network. This recognition reinforces our ongoing commitment to adding value to our members' businesses, and living our values of being personal, global, and collaborative.

Strong positions across all our regions worldwide

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MGI Worldwide’s CEO, Chris Borneman, comments:

“I am so pleased to see that MGI Worldwide’s hard work and value continues to be recognised in this way. The exciting journey continues, building on our successes of the past and searching for new ways to both broaden and increase our value to our member firms. Part of this journey is engaging the next generation, investing in our future and retaining talent, including the excellent Talent Meeting in Frankfurt, the early success of the inaugural Tomorrow’s Leaders forum, and the implementation of the Shadow IC. But this is only part of the journey – I look forward to hearing from you how we can better support you and your firm, and to seeing you at the regional/AGM conferences this year.

MGI Worldwide would like to thank all members, staff, and colleagues around the world for their ongoing support, hard work and commitment.

For more information on MGI Worldwide’s global ranking or enquiries to join our membership, please contact our team at [email protected] who are looking forward to hearing from you.

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MGI Worldwide, is a top 20 ranked global accounting network and association with almost 9,000 professionals, accountants and tax experts in some 400 locations in over 100 countries around the world.