Recap, Reflect & Share Back With The Group!

August feels like the perfect time for our Women Who Lead to reflect and share back with the Group! Our next Women Who Lead (WWL) Group Session will take place on Thursday, 15 August 2023 – we hope you can join us. During this call, we will take the opportunity to recap and reflect on the topics addressed so far this year, including Self-Leadership, Work/Life Balance, DEI, and Confidence.

Your participation will help us gain insights & move forward as a Group!

We hope our WWL Group has inspired you. Please join us to share back with the Group. We would love to hear from you about your experiences and learnings so far:

Has a topic sparked an idea for you and your Firm?
What have you done or what do you hope to do?
Are there topics we haven’t covered yet?

Join us to hear different views and perspectives from around the world and see what others in Firms are up to – please share the invitation.