International Arbitration

As the volume and complexity of international disputes has increased over recent years, so has the demand for International Arbitration. Most arbitrated cases are, in essence, disputes about money which is why it is perhaps not surprising that forensic accountants are a common feature of the arbitral landscape.
International Commercial Disputes
Our experts across the globe can assist with all financial and accountancy aspects of international commercial disputes including:
- The assessment of loss of profits
- Quantification of economic damages and
- Commercial valuations
Expert Accountancy Testimony
Our organisation's litigation support team is available to provide expert accountancy testimony in proceedings governed by the rules of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, the London Court of International Arbitration or the International Chamber of Commerce. Our forensic accountancy team accepts instructions as:
- party appointed expert adviser; or
- party appointed expert adviser and expert witness; or
- jointly appointed expert witness; or
- tribunal appointed expert witness
Specialist Industry Expertise
Specific details of the industry expertise of each team member are available upon request but between them they have acted in cases involving:
- Commercial agencies
- Supply contracts
- Distribution and license agreements
- Intellectual property disputes
- Joint ventures
- Breach of Warranty/Breach of contract claims
- Insolvency related disputes
- Government/state-owned agencies
Meet our global team of Forensic Accountancy experts
Our Global Forensic Accountancy Experts have specialist expertise in the various areas of accountancy and detailed knowledge and understanding of the legal process. They can help preserve family wealth across generations - wherever in the world you need it.
For more information and to be connected to the relevant specialist, please contact Nicki Lynn at [email protected].
Click on profile image to read more about their professional experience.